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Ringflash – the pros and cons

Pros of Ring Flash

Shadowless image
The flash is so close to the lens that the light is very even and relatively shadowless.

Pleasant and even lighting for small subjects
The even light is good for small subjects and essential for close ups as normal flash would be obscured by the lens.

Hard edged outline like shadow
Although there’s not a heavy shadow on one side like normal flash – ring flash does create an outline style pale shadow.

Pale shadow that can be very distinctive
The pale shadow can provide a very distinct and original look, especially on portraits.

Cons of Ring Flash

Lower power
The guide number of the flash means it not much use for anything other than close up and macro photography.

Unatural surround lighting
The light from a ringflash does not replicate natural light which usually comes from one direction so it can be seen as unatural to perfectionists.

Halo catchlight
The ring flash causes a halo shaped catchlight which can look unatural too.

Flat, shadowless, and uninteresting light
Many think the direct flash from a ringflash is flat an uninteresting unlike a normal one direct flash which gives a degree of modelling.

compared with normal flash ring flash units are fairly expensive.

Relatively inflexible
A normal flash usually has more options, and can be used for a wider variety of applications.

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